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Yes, caring for the inside of your home is important. But what about the outside? Mowing the lawn and thinking all is well can be easy. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and your home’s exterior needs more love and care. Your curb appeal says a lot to guests, family, and neighbors before they enter your house. These ideas will boost your home’s curb appeal.

Brighten Up the Entryway

Nobody wants to walk onto a dark or dim front porch or entryway. If the lightbulbs burn out, replace them to ensure you have a well-lit area in the front. If there isn’t enough lighting, add some more. String or solar lights are excellent options. Also, remember to clear away the dust, debris, and cobwebs around light fixtures to instantly freshen up the space.

A bright entryway can greatly improve your home’s curb appeal. It can also deter burglars from attempting to break into your home.

Clean Out the Gutters

Most homeowners probably don’t appreciate this task. After all, it involves getting out the ladder, climbing up to high areas, and getting dirty. Gross. But the gutters need cleaning. Hiring a professional is OK for gutter cleaning if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Cleaning out the gutters improves your home’s curb appeal, and it’s necessary for them to function properly. If you continue to allow the dirt, leaves, and other debris to pile up, you could have costly house damage, like ice dams and interior water damage.

Care for Your Yard

Properly caring for your yard is an enormous part of maintaining curb appeal. You’re probably wondering how to have the best lawn on the block. Ensure you’re mowing your property regularly and to the correct height, or else you could kill your grass. Also, pull weeds around the garden and flower beds and rake away any debris you have around the yard.

These are a few ideas to get you started. It won’t be an overwhelming project if you keep up with it. Homeowners with less time or large yards should consider hiring a professional lawn care company. That way, you’ll boost your home’s curb appeal without lifting a finger.

Fix Up Exterior Problems

Do you need to fix your home’s siding? Are there rips and tears in your window’s screens that require replacing? It’s important to tackle these tasks. Even small flaws can stand out, so important to fix any exterior problems.

Your loose shingles could lead to common roofing problems. Your torn window screens can lead to more bugs flying around your house. Quick weekly inspections can help you locate minor and major exterior issues that you must take care of this summer.

Now all that’s left to do is make your summer to-do list. Make this the summer you freshen up your home’s exterior and boost your curb appeal.